Applications / Mobility

Safe electrification of transportation thanks to BKT products

There will be an increased electrification of the mobility sector in the future. Means of transport, such as cars, buses, trains and ships, are equipped with electric motors that cause high electromagnetic emissions inside the passenger compartment as well as outside. Brandenburgischen Kondensatoren Technologie GmbH’s EMI suppression filters can reduce the resulting electromagnetic interferences and can make an interference-free operation of your means of transport possible.

Electrically operated means of transport cause electromagnetic interferences due to the integrated electric motors. They have to be EMI suppressed with great effort.

By rectifying the current inside the required charging systems, e. g. charging stations, they emit strong EMI signals, too. The integration of EMI suppression components is necessary to avoid interferences of the charging systems themselves as well as interferences of the electrical devices in close proximity. This is the only way to meet all standards and legal requirements.

Brandenburgischen Kondensatoren Technologie GmbH’s EMI suppression filters are frequently used in this sector as our filters possess a closed housing and adequate creeping current sections. Therefore, they are particularly suitable for the exterior and for the high thermal and dynamic stress that means of transport and their charging systems are subject to.


We produce

Überblick Gleichtaktdrosseln


Electrical loads cause symmetrical and asymmetrical electromagnetic interferences regularly. By the installation of sufficently dimensioned common mode, push-pull or ground…

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Übersicht Funkentstör-Kondensatoren

EMI Suppression Capacitors

The use of EMI suppression capacitors in electrical devices of everyday private or professional life is compulsory nowadays to avoid…

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Übersicht Funk-Entstörfilter

EMI Suppression Filters

Complex electromagnetic interferences regularly occur in electrical devices. These can be application-specifically reduced by durable and safe EMI suppression filters.

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Funk-Entstoerfilter 1-phasig, 16A

Wire and Cable Assembly

Complex products usually require a sophisticated installation. In order to make the different components match, we manufacture customized components such…

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